Fluid Dynamics
Tropical Meteorology
Urban Meteorology
Nuclear Security and Terrorism
Dynamic Meteorology
NEW COURSE: Urban Meteorology fall 2017
This course will cover the dynamics of meteorology in urban environments. Students will study how the location (e.g., coastal, mountain, tropical), size, and composition (short or tall) of cities contribute to the observed weather, airflow and pollution patterns. The course will explore urban heat islands in detail and discover how they arise, and study common circulation patterns impacting cities. The course will examine ways to measure and model heterogeneous cityscapes and their emission characteristics (heat, moisture, etc.).
Students will anticipate challenges to cities posed by a changing climate – and examine and evaluate mitigation approaches.
Textbook: Urban Climates by Tim Oke et al., September 2017.
(This course received top student ratings.)
Teaching Philosophy
I’ve been the direct beneficiary of “no ceilings” learning environments, and I foster that in my students – both within the classroom, as an advisor at the M.S. & Ph.D-level, and in student research projects. At base I value exploration and discovery as key aspects of learning.
I became hooked on fluid dynamics as a child floating sticks down the rivulets in the dirt road in front of our house, fascinated by the endless variety of paths taken. And I benefitted immensely from the far-ranging enquiry encouraged at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), which I sought out as a sophomore - thereby becoming SFI’s first undergraduate intern. My aim is to fan the spark of curiosity to a flame in each and every student.
Fulbright Visiting Professor in the Philippines
Teaching Tropical Meteorology to graduate students spring 2018
Climate Change Outreach to High School Students
Sustainability and resilience discussions at One Planet One Future's climate change gallery with Anne de Carbuccia.
Hands-on Science Demonstrations
Designing and conducting experiments for NYC elementary school students with fellow parent & biologist: Sunniva Stordahl Bjorklund (now in her second career).
““I tell my students, ‘When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game’.””